Friday, September 20, 2013

My Talk at brewww on TypeScript, TDD and code kata’s.

I did my first "real" talk last Friday 13th. "TypeScript Kata: The TDD style"
I think it went pretty well, in the light of it was Friday 13th, and the lack of my presentation just finished 30 min. before I had to go to the event. So I didn't have the time to do any review or rehearse.

My talk was meant to be a lightning talk that is max. 15 min. long, so that was, what I prepared for.
The other speaker couldn't make it, so I could talk for as long as I wanted – Great! I forgot Time and Space and don’t know for how long I talked.….

The attendee’s was very good to ask question, and we had some great discussions back and forth. Some of the guy’s said that I was pretty brave. In the light of, that all the attendees were drinking beers, and Open Source PHP/APACHE/LINUX/APPLE guy’s and in the fact that I’m a "Microsoft" man, showing of code in Visual Studio.

Hopefully I inspired a few people to dig into TypeScript, TDD or start making code kata’s.- And Basim realize that TypeScript is way better designed than CoffeeScript ;-p

Even though @mortendk and @christianjul, got inspired to make a bitch fight on Text editors and IDE's later this year, and of cause they want's me or somebody I know to defend Visual Studio! 

Thanks people @Brewww to give me an awesome night, this is not the last time I attend @Brewww or given talks, - I think Im already addicted :-)
What is Brewww?
Brewww is for web developers, designers, nerds, geeks and all others from the web industry. The people is primary Open Source PHP/APACHE/LINUX/APPLE guys. The meetups is quarterly for lightning talks / beer tasting and in copenhagen. Brewww is the brainchild of @mortendk and @christianjul.