Friday, September 20, 2013

My Talk at brewww on TypeScript, TDD and code kata’s.

I did my first "real" talk last Friday 13th. "TypeScript Kata: The TDD style"
I think it went pretty well, in the light of it was Friday 13th, and the lack of my presentation just finished 30 min. before I had to go to the event. So I didn't have the time to do any review or rehearse.

My talk was meant to be a lightning talk that is max. 15 min. long, so that was, what I prepared for.
The other speaker couldn't make it, so I could talk for as long as I wanted – Great! I forgot Time and Space and don’t know for how long I talked.….

The attendee’s was very good to ask question, and we had some great discussions back and forth. Some of the guy’s said that I was pretty brave. In the light of, that all the attendees were drinking beers, and Open Source PHP/APACHE/LINUX/APPLE guy’s and in the fact that I’m a "Microsoft" man, showing of code in Visual Studio.

Hopefully I inspired a few people to dig into TypeScript, TDD or start making code kata’s.- And Basim realize that TypeScript is way better designed than CoffeeScript ;-p

Even though @mortendk and @christianjul, got inspired to make a bitch fight on Text editors and IDE's later this year, and of cause they want's me or somebody I know to defend Visual Studio! 

Thanks people @Brewww to give me an awesome night, this is not the last time I attend @Brewww or given talks, - I think Im already addicted :-)
What is Brewww?
Brewww is for web developers, designers, nerds, geeks and all others from the web industry. The people is primary Open Source PHP/APACHE/LINUX/APPLE guys. The meetups is quarterly for lightning talks / beer tasting and in copenhagen. Brewww is the brainchild of @mortendk and @christianjul. 


  1. That was a very inspired talk about Typescript, and especially how it relates to the practice of TDD. It is a fact that large portions of the Web community tend to lean to the open source world of PHP/Ruby/Python and Linux, as you point out. However, I feel you were able to present a very good case for the Microsoft Ecosystem, and especially Visual Studio. I have used Visual Studio in the past myself, and can attest to its versatility when it comes to source code editing and management.

    Also, I liked the parts about the Kata concept and especially how TDD is absolutely vital in modern web application design and implementation. I think you were solid in presenting a test first approach, though I wish you had more time to delve deeper into that subject.

    I don't have a problem per say with Typescript. I think it is necessary, given that JavaScript has many bad parts. And TypeScript seems well designed, as we have come to expect from anything Anders Hejlsberg has been involved with. I used to love Delphi back in the days, and C# follows the same path. I don't even mind the static type checking, and the compilation. The latter happens for CoffeeScript as well.

    However, Typescript does not help warding against one of the main evils of JavaScript. Lets face it, syntactically speaking, Javascript is ugly. Given the fact that Typescript is a superset of Javascript, it too acquires that trait. You may say that ugliness is subjective, and it is. But think about how hard it would be to edit JavaScript in notepad, and compare that to languages like, say, Coffeescript or Ruby. As a rule of thumb, when a language is dependent on a syntax aware editor or full fledged IDE, it tends to be less expressive. CoffeeScript, by design, is more expressive, in that it takes less typing to express your intent.

    Enough rambling. I really did enjoy your presentation. The fact that it helped create a passionate discussion is testimony to its relevance.
